Monday, March 1, 2010

I am 16 going on 17... well, almost.

I have ten days left until I am officially sixteen years old, and, seeing as I already missed the New Year and Lent, I’m using this milestone to make goals and have resolutions. Well, only three, actually, which are simply:

1. Blog everyday that I am sixteen years of age. I’ve always wanted to blog. I’ve always felt like that maybe I could be good at it. I like to follow blogs, I’ll share some of my favorites later, and they’ve inspired me to share my little slice of the world with whoever might be out there listening. It might be rocky at first, I already feel a little awkward, but as my history teacher would say, “The more reps you do, the more comfortable you are.”

And besides, sixteen is a HUGE age. I’ve always been so idealistic about sixteen. It’s the sweet sixteen, when you can drive and have fun and be that picturesque little carefree teenager. I’ve looked forward to this since I was a toddler watching Saved by the Bell.

2. Run everyday that I am sixteen, be it on my treadmill or at this charming little park not too far from me. Because frankly I’m sick of this whole baby fat business. I’m going to be sixteen, for Christ’s sake, I don’t want to have to stress about body image. This upcoming year is going to bring plenty of stress; I’m taking college courses, PRECALCULUS(I’m going to die, I’m really really going to die), I’m planning on being very active with my dance company, I want to try out for volleyball, musical next year, possibly the school play(unless a certain unfairly biased teacher is directing it again next year), keeping up with my boyfriend of currently five months(!), managing my friends, ect. Between dealing with all of that, I at least want the peace of mind knowing that I look fabulous doing it. Plus, for a less vain rationale, I like being in shape, and I want to be healthy.

3. Just work on improving myself, overall. There are little things in the day that I always kick myself for doing. Procrastinating on my homework, my room being messy, or saying something insensitive to a friend, things like that. Small things that really are unnecessary and junking up my life with negativity. If I catch myself about to do something I think I’ll regret later, I want to stop, and ask myself, is thirty minutes of sleep really worth compromising my Algebra grade? I need to always be focused on being a happy, productive human being and look more at the big picture rather than what’s right in front of me.

And just because these are goals I’m setting right now doesn’t mean I can’t add new ones. Hopefully that will be another use for this blog, to keep track of what I want and make sure I stay on track.

Let the fun begin :)

Miles run today : 0. But it doesn’t count yet.